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The lawyers friend, an Oath Skull to swear on to tell the truth. You can lie to the magistrates, but not to the ancestors.
From a German original, this is a full sized human skull (repro) on a stand . The skull is about 8x5x7 1/2...the stand is separate and measures 9x10 x12 1/2 tall. The skull is engraved with the sator phrases for an added impact, as was the original.
The skull alone,antiqued and engraved.....$200.00
The stand $50.00
Two items with magical and or religious overtones. The larger square is a magic square, the square of Jupiter and is 4 numbers which add up to 34 either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.it brings prosperity and prestige and authority with leadership..Albrecht Drurer is said to have one...Ben Franklin made one with over 200 numbers!~ in use for almost 3000 years.That's the Greek God,Jupiter, not the planet
The smaller one is a Sator square, a talisman to help medicinally and to ward off fire. Popular in Germany, it was attached to doors in Appalachia as late as the 20 th cent. Translations range from Christian to Hebraic. These have been used since about 60 AD.Found frequently in Appalachia, it was sometimes burned into a loaf of bread, and eaten. Also served as a symbol of identity for Christians. It is described as a protective palindrome.In the 1740 s in Germany it was a law that it be burned in a wooden plate that was put in the fireplace at night to prevent house fires.
Either magic square $20.00. Reproductions in copper. The numbers are from an original 18 th century stamp set.
I expect a lot of comments on this item. Having a chat with a customer who wanted something to remind him to say a prayer as he started his day. We talked about the Celts and Romans who wrote both prayers and curses on copper and lead sheets and rolled them up and put them in holy places.We thought of Jewish mazzuzas affixed to door frames..it actually means threshold or door post.That lead to the prayer inside which turns out to be one that Jesus would have said, called the Shema...basically the first commandment,,,Hear o Israel, the Lord is our God,the Lord is one.
So, punched into a piece of copper I put Shema Israel, Adoni Elohenyu, Adoni Ekhad. .. pretty much the prayer said for almost 3000 years.Good enough for a Jewish kid named Jesus, it's good enough for me.
One piece copper scroll. With hand stamped prayer.....$ 35.00. Amen
Since the times of the Apostles, the rooster has been a symbol of Christianity, to the Celts it was a holy animal.
It remains a symbol of God's grace to sinners.
Taken from Colonial weathercock, it measures about 12 1/2 wide by 15 tall and has a hanging loop on the back.
reproduced in heavy copper..........$70.00
Long history here..these are French silver coins called D'Souzans..minted in the 16 th century and just about used up. Recalled by the French mint and counter stamped with a fleur de lis ,they were sent to the Colonies in 1640. Still in circulation in the 1720s in New England, called Black dogs and not worth much. A lot of history if they could talk. These are the real thing.
Debased silver French douzans..$50.00 each
Two new items, a pair of Celtic divination spoons used in fortune telling rituals. Found in pairs, 28 sets found in 3-4 countries so far...one faintly divided in quadrants, one with a hole to pass some liquid...maybe blood..and the pattern on the second spoon would be interpreted by the shaman. Copied from a 2000 year old original.
The second item ... 3 small lumps of tin, used in what was called molybdomancy, from the Ancient Greek for lead. And divination. Read to tell the future or make a prediction. The process, using melted wax is still a Christmas tradition in parts of Europe..
you get the pair of spoons and a few clumps of tin........$ 45.00
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